Welcome to my Dyslexic Assessment Service. If you're seeking a comprehensive understanding of dyslexia for reasons such as Disabled Students' Allowance, Exam Access Arrangements, reasonable adjustments or general support in understanding why your child is experiencing difficulties, an Assessment is crucial.
Dyselxia is not a medical condition so is not covered by the NHS. There is no direct funding for assessments in schools, colleges or anywhere else, generally assessments have to be paid for by the parent/carer
I assess from age 7 years onwards to comply with the SASC guidelines. There is quite a lot of reading and writing involved in a full assessment and as some children learn to read later than others it would be inappropriate to put them through this process before age 7.
The assessment will provide a clearer picture of someone's cognitive profile and their strengths and weaknesses. This will help to ensure that any support is put in place is as effective as possible.